So I really LOVE being a mommy!!! I'm back at work...no fun there. I miss just hanging out with my baby all day!!! But we found a really great place to take her to. We love her teacher and know that she's being taken care of.
Molly is sleeping through the night!!!! We can't believe it but are soooo thankful! She's done it for a few nights in a row so we're hoping that it's permanent. We feed her at 9, put her to bed about 10:30 and she sleeps until 6:00 (which is when we wake up for work). It's pretty amazing!
I can't believe my little angel is growing up so fast. She's just started smiling which melts my heart!
It's Jonathon and my 2nd anniversary today. Whoo Hoo!!! It feels like we've been married forever! Can't wait for tonight. Jonathon planned a sweet dinner date.