I don't know WHERE July went! But it's been a ridiculously crazy month for the Murphy's! So here are the updates:
We are officially in our new house! And no, it's not the house that I posted a picture of in the previous post. Loooong story short: The other house had some serious foundation problems and a long list of other big issues. So we found another house. Here it is:
We absolutely LOVE our new house. It's a lot bigger than our last house, which is good since we're about to have a new little Murphy running around!
We moved in on a Thursday, which went very smoothly thanks to our awesome friends and family! But moving when you're 30 weeks pregnant is not so much fun. It's just frustrating bc you can't move things where you want them to go.
3 days after we moved in, I left for camp for a week. Also an interesting thing to do when you're 30 weeks pregnant! We took 15 kids from our church to Children's camp. It was AWESOME!!! One of our kids asked Jesus into his heart, which made the week even more awesome! I don't miss sleeping in a dorm though!
SOOO now that July is almost over, the countdown begins. I am officially 32 weeks pregnant. Molly came a little bit early (at 38 weeks) so I'm going to make sure I'm ready for Fletcher to come. If he decides to come when his sister did, that is in 6 short weeks!!! Whew! Hopefully August will be nice and relaxing....just me getting ready for Fletcher to come in September. I found the cutest little boy bedding at Target (online) and it should be delivered today....so hopefully his nursery will be ready soon!
That's all for now.
My Calling
6 years ago